Marysville Township

Wright County, Minnesota


The Marysville Town Hall is the exclusive polling place for Marysville Township residents.  Newly arrived residents can pre-register at the Wright County Auditor's Office located in the Wright County Courthouse,3650 Braddock Ave NW, Buffalo, MN.  Absentee balloting may be done at the Wright County Courthouse prior to elections.

Presidential Nominating Primary

The Presidential Nominating Primary Election will be held on Tuesday March 5th, 2024.  The polls will be open from 7am to 8pm.

Annual Town Elections

The Annual Town Election for Town Board Supervisors will be held on Tuesday March 12th, 2024.  The polls will be open from 10 am to 8 pm, upon closing of the polls the Annual Town Meeting commences. 

Primary Elections

Primary Elections are held in August for State, Federal and County offices.  Minnesota's 2024 Primary Election will be held  on Tuesday August 13th, 2024at the Marysville Town Hall.  The polls will be open from 7am to 8pm.

General Elections

General Elections are held in November for State and Federal offices.  The next General Election for State and Federal offices will be held Tuesday November 5th, 2024 at the Town Hall.  Occasionally, School Bonding and other issues are voted on at the same time.  The polls will be open from 7am to 8pm.